Fundraiser Information
Mike's Poker Tables is ready to help you raise the money you need!
In order to conduct a Casino Night Fundraiser or a Texas Hold’em Fundraiser, you MUST follow the step-by-step process detailed below:
1. Â Register your organization
Your organization must be registered with the "Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission" (LGCCC) and have a current Registration Certificate. Your event must take place before the certificate's expiry date. Most charitable organizations already have a certificate. If you don't have one, here's a link to apply Obtain a Registration Certificate
2. Â Send your your Registration Certificate
Provide Mike's Poker Tables with a copy of your Registration Certificate and we will complete the State Certification form titled CERTIFICATION (N.J.A.C 13:47-13.7). We will file this with the LGCCC within 48 hours.
Take Form 13 to the municipality
Mike's Poker Tables will then provide your organization with a notarized Form 13 which you present to the municipal clerk in the town that the event will be held. You will request an application to conduct a Casino Night. You will also need one check made out to the LGCCC for $100 and a second check to the municipality (usually $100). If you wish to conduct 50/50 raffles you need a separate raffle license.
4. Â Wait for approval
The governing body will approve or disapprove your application at a town meeting. If it is approved the municipal clerk will send your application and check to the LGCCC. If the municipality is NOT contacted by the LGCCC within 14 days the municipal clerk may issue your license.
5. Â Email us a copy of your license
Once you have received your license, e-mail a copy to Mikes Poker Table LLC. We are required by the LGCCC to keep one on file.
6. Â Display the license
You license must be prominently displayed the night of your event.
Texas Hold'em Fundraiser Registration

Playing in our tournaments
As a player you will experience top-notch events, no matter your level.

Our tournaments typically draw 70+ participants

for a 82-player field

$100 BUY-IN
Start with 5,000 in chips

& Add-ONs
A poor start will not leave you out. Stay in play and/or improve your chip count till the break.

Our 10-foot tables, professional cards decks...

EXperienced dealeres
Licensed dealers every event

Buffet Dinner
Enjoy food and beverages prior to the event.
Chat with friends, and meet new people.

Get extra chips as a first-timer, or by registering in advance

GREAT field of players
Our tournaments typically draw 70+ participants

buffet dinner
Enjoy food and beverages prior to the event. Chat with friends, meet new people.

Full-size, 10-foot tables, casino-quality cards, and more

Our experienced dealers will make every tournament a quality event you will enjoy
Contact Mike